Open Access Policy
Modern Dynamics Journal of Chemistry (MDJC) is committed to fostering the widest possible dissemination of impactful research in the field of modern chemical dynamics. To achieve this goal, Modern Dynamics Journal of Chemistry (MDJC) adopts an open access publishing model.
Here's a breakdown of our open access policy:
• Free Access: All published articles in Modern Dynamics Journal of Chemistry (MDJC) will be freely available online without any financial, legal, or technical barriers to access. This allows readers around the world to access and read the latest research findings in the field.
• Article Processing Charges (APCs): To cover the costs associated with peer review, publication, and editorial management, Modern Dynamics Journal of Chemistry (MDJC) may levy Article Processing Charges (APCs) on authors upon acceptance of their manuscripts. We are committed to keeping these charges as affordable as possible and explore options to support authors facing financial constraints.
• Licensing: Modern Dynamics Journal of Chemistry (MDJC) utilizes a Creative Commons (CC) license for published articles. The specific license type will be determined, but some options include:
o CC BY (Attribution): This license allows for the widest dissemination and reuse of published articles. Users can share, adapt, and build upon the work, as long as they provide appropriate credit to the original authors and the journal.
o CC BY-NC (Attribution-NonCommercial): This license is similar to CC BY, but restricts commercial use of the material.
Benefits of Open Access for Authors:
• Increased Visibility: Open access publication significantly increases the discoverability and readership of your research compared to traditional subscription-based journals.
• Faster Citation Rates: Open access articles tend to be cited more frequently than articles behind paywalls.
• Global Collaboration: Open access allows researchers around the world to access your work, fostering collaboration and knowledge exchange.
• Compliant with Funding Agencies: Many research funding agencies now require open access publication of research findings.
Modern Dynamics Journal of Chemistry (MDJC) is dedicated to making high-quality research in modern chemical dynamics accessible to everyone. We believe this open access policy will accelerate scientific progress and benefit the global research community.